Introduction to Building Modular and Reusable UI Components with Lit: Part 1

Introduction to Building Modular and Reusable UI Components with Lit: Part 1


In today's fast-paced world of web development, efficiency and maintainability are more than just buzzwords; they're necessities. As web applications grow increasingly complex, the need for modular, reusable components becomes evident.

But what exactly does it mean for a component to be "modular" and "reusable," and why is this so crucial in modern web development? Moreover, how do Lit components fit into this picture?

This article aims to answer these questions and provide a comprehensive guide to building modular, reusable components using Lit.

What Makes a Component Modular and Reusable?

A "modular" component performs a specific function and does it well. It is a self-contained unit of code that can be easily plugged into different parts of an application without causing any disruptions. "Reusability" goes hand-in-hand with modularity.

A reusable component is designed in such a way that it can be used in multiple places within the same application—or even across different applications—without requiring any modifications.

The benefits of modularity and reusability are manifold. They make the codebase easier to understand and maintain, facilitate collaboration among developers, and can even improve the performance of the application.

When components are modular and reusable, developers can build new features and fix bugs more quickly, leading to faster development cycles and more robust applications.

Introduction to Lit Components

Lit components are a modern solution for building fast, lightweight web components. Developed by Google engineers, Lit is a library that provides a simple, efficient way to define reusable, encapsulated components using standard web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

One of the standout features of Lit is its focus on simplicity and performance. Unlike some other libraries and frameworks, Lit does not require a steep learning curve and offers a minimalistic API designed for ease of use.

So, why are Lit components well-suited for building modular, reusable components?

  • Lit components are built on web standards, making them inherently modular and compatible with any JavaScript framework—or even with no framework at all.

  • Lit provides powerful features like data-binding, properties, and custom events, which make it easier to build components that are not only modular but also highly interactive and dynamic.

  • The lightweight nature of Lit ensures that your components are not just reusable but also efficient, leading to faster load times and a better user experience.

The Anatomy of a Lit Component

Lit is designed to be both intuitive and flexible, making them ideal candidates for creating modular and reusable web components. Let's break down some of the basic structure of a Lit component to understand how it achieves these goals.

Basic Structure

A typical Lit component is defined as a JavaScript class that extends from LitElement, which is provided by the Lit library. This class contains a render method that specifies what the component should display.

The render method returns a lit-html template, which is a lightweight way to define dynamic HTML content. Here's a simplified example:

import { LitElement, html } from 'lit';

class MyComponent extends LitElement {
  render() {
    return html`<p>Hello, world!</p>`;

customElements.define('my-component', MyComponent);

Properties and Attributes

Lit components can have properties and attributes that allow you to pass data into the component. Properties are defined in the component class and can be of any JavaScript type.

Attributes are the HTML attributes you use when adding a component to a web page. Lit makes it easy to keep properties and attributes in sync, contributing to the component's reusability.

import { LitElement, html, property } from 'lit';

class MyComponent extends LitElement {
  @property({ type: String }) name = 'world';

  render() {
    return html`<p>Hello, ${}!</p>`;

Event Handling

Lit components can emit and listen for custom events, making them interactive and dynamic. This is done using the standard DOM addEventListener method or directly in the lit-html template using the @ syntax.

Here's an example implementation that handles a button click event.

import { LitElement, html, property } from 'lit';
import { customElement } from 'lit/decorators.js';

class MyButtonComponent extends LitElement {
  @property({ type: Number }) clickCount = 0;

  handleClick() {
    console.log(`Clicked ${this.clickCount} times.`);

  render() {
    return html`
      <button @click=${this.handleClick}>Click Me</button>
      <p>Clicked ${this.clickCount} times.</p>


Lit components support scoped CSS styling, allowing you to define styles that are encapsulated within the component. This ensures that your styles won't leak out and affect other parts of your application, contributing to the component's modularity.

import { property } from 'lit/decorators.js';

class StyledButton extends LitElement {
  static styles = css`
    .button {
      padding: 10px 20px;
      font-size: 16px;
      border: none;
      cursor: pointer;
    .primary {
      background-color: blue;
      color: white;
    .secondary {
      background-color: grey;
      color: black;

  @property({ type: String }) type = 'primary';

  render() {
    return html`
      <button class="button ${this.type}">

customElements.define('styled-button', StyledButton);

Lifecycle Methods

Lit components come with lifecycle hooks like connectedCallback and updated, which allow you to run code at different stages of the component's life. These hooks provide opportunities to manage side-effects, making the component more modular.

Comparing Lit Components with React and Vue

While Lit components offer a compelling approach to building modular and reusable web components, they are not the only game in town. Frameworks like React and Vue have been popular choices for web development for several years.

Here's how Lit components compares with React and Vue to help you make an informed decision on which tool best suits your needs.

FeatureLit ComponentsReactVue
Syntax and Learning CurveStandard JavaScript and HTML, minimalistic API, easier learning curve.JSX syntax, extensive ecosystem, moderate learning curve.HTML-based template syntax, Vue CLI, moderate learning curve.
PerformanceExtremely fast, lightweight rendering library, avoids unnecessary re-renders.Highly optimized, virtual DOM, can be heavy for simple projects.Optimized, virtual DOM, can be overkill for simpler applications.
Modularity and ReusabilityBuilt on web standards, compatible with any JavaScript framework or no framework.Modular but best within React ecosystem, reusability can be challenging outside React.Modular but generally tied to Vue ecosystem.
Data Binding and State ManagementSimple data-binding through properties and attributes.Unidirectional data flow, complex state management like Redux.Two-way data binding, straightforward state management through v-model and Vuex.
Custom Events and Lifecycle HooksStandard DOM events, hooks like connectedCallback and updated.Synthetic event system, lifecycle methods like componentDidMount and componentDidUpdate.Custom event system, lifecycle hooks like mounted and updated.
Community and EcosystemSmaller but growing community, compatible with a wide range of libraries due to web standards.Massive community, rich ecosystem of libraries and tools.Strong community, comprehensive set of supporting libraries and tools.

Real-world Use Cases of Lit Components

While understanding the technical aspects of Lit components is essential, seeing them in action can provide a more comprehensive view of their capabilities.

Thanks to their modular and reusable nature, we'll explore some real-world use cases where Lit components shine.

E-commerce Platforms

E-commerce platforms often require various reusable components like product cards, filters, and shopping carts. Lit components can be used to build these elements in a modular fashion, allowing for easy updates and maintenance.

For example, a product card component could be created with Lit, encapsulating the product image, name, price, and 'Add to Cart' button. This component could then be reused across multiple pages and even different e-commerce platforms.

Data Visualization Tools

Data visualization often involves complex components like charts, graphs, and interactive filters. Lit components can encapsulate each of these elements, making it easier to manage and update them.

A bar chart component, for example, could accept data as a property and handle its own rendering and updates. This makes it reusable across different parts of an application or even different applications altogether.

Content Management Systems (CMS)

Content Management Systems often involve complex UIs with elements like text editors, image uploaders, and layout builders. Lit's lightweight nature and fast rendering make it an excellent choice for such systems.

A text editor component, for instance, could be built using Lit, complete with features like text formatting and image embedding. This component could be reused across different sections of the CMS, ensuring a consistent user experience.


In this article, we've explored the features and capabilities of Lit components, emphasizing their modularity and reusability. From the anatomy of a Lit component to real-world use cases like e-commerce platforms and social media dashboards, it's clear that Lit offers a robust, efficient, and user-friendly way to build web components.

Its focus on web standards, coupled with powerful features like data-binding, event handling, and scoped styling, makes Lit an excellent choice for developers looking to create modular, reusable, and maintainable web applications.

In Part Two of this article, we'll dive deeper into Lit components and build an example application, leveraging Lit's unique features.